Pep Rally Updates: Junior High is having a blacklight pep rally on 10/20/22. Wear your neon and glowsticks! High School is NOT having a pep rally this week, our next one will be on 11/04.
over 2 years ago, Kali Ashmore
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Absent Callout Messages In an effort to better communicate with parents and guardians, we have started a new automatic callout system for absences. To ensure the message plays, please pick up the phone and say "hello". You may experience a short delay before the message starts playing.
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Stanton Middle School No School Monday, 10/10/2022
over 2 years ago, Stacey Ramirez
Student Holiday
The last day to register to vote is by October 11, 2022. Applications printed from the online website ( will need to be signed and either mailed or hand delivered to the Martin County Elections Office located at 110 West School Street, Stanton, TX. Signed applications can be mailed to the Martin County Elections office at PO Box 1009, Stanton, TX 79782. The Martin County Elections Office is closed on October 10th for Columbus Day but completed / signed applications can be placed in the outside mail drop at the elections office. For more information you can call the Election Office at 432-607-3580. Martin County
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Stanton ISD would like to invite members of the community to join us for a town hall meeting. Topics of discussion are the Voter Approved Tax Rate Election and Bond Election. The event will be held in the High School Auditorium Oct 4 at 7pm.
over 2 years ago, Jay Baker
Stanton Middle School No School Friday, 9/30/2022
over 2 years ago, Stacey Ramirez
No School September 30, 2022
Mums may be worn to school Friday, Sept. 23rd. All noise makers must be silenced to not distract instruction. Go Buffs!
over 2 years ago, Stacey Ramirez
HOCO 2022
We encourage everyone to register to vote! The last day to register to vote is October 11, 2022. Register Online: Register In Person: 110 W School Street, Stanton (Elections Office - Located under the water tower downtown) Every vote counts!!
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
MS news
Parents: Back gym doors will open at 12:40. You will sit on the Visitors side. Please make sure to sign in as you enter the back gym doors. It's a GREAT day to be a Buffalo!
over 2 years ago, Stacey Ramirez
Pep Rally
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Free Internet
I've had quite a few people ask about this year's band shirts. Here is an order form if you are interested in ordering the 2022 Band Show Shirts. I will be placing the order on September 21, so I'll need the orders by Tuesday September 20. Thanks. P.S. Don't forget to go to CBS7 and vote for Stanton as the band of the week! (you can vote multiple times if you clear your browser cache...I've been told...).
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Stanton Middle School TEA Parent Accountability Meeting 9/16/22 at 2:45 PM in SMS Cafeteria TEA Parent Accountability Meeting and Title 1 Meeting 9/29/22 at 9 AM in SMS Cafeteria
over 2 years ago, Stacey Ramirez
SMS Dress up themes for Homecoming!
over 2 years ago, Kali Ashmore
SMS Homecoming Themes
Our band is up for band of the week. Would you ask everyone to vote on CBS 7 by Thursday ! Here is the link!
over 2 years ago, Stanton ISD
Pecos Pep Rally! Black out the Eagles!
over 2 years ago, Kali Ashmore
Buff Broadcast: Hope you have had a great weekend!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ruiz
Campus Newsletter -Buff Broadcast
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Ruiz
Join us for Meet the Buffaloes tonight at 6:30 at the High School football field. Hamburger dinner to follow in the High School Commons, $10 per plate.
over 2 years ago, Jay Baker
Meet the Buffaloes