Dyselxia, Section 504 and Special Education
Stanton ISD offers a program for children of Stanton ISD staff members. Children age 4 years, on or before September 1 are eligible to attend. Each classroom consists of typically developing students whose parents work for Stanton ISD and students with special education needs. All students within the classroom have access to the Pre-K General Education Curriculum.
Stanton ISD Policy and Procedures are located within the Legal Framework (link below)
Individuals with Disability Education Act
La Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidad
Multi Tiered Systems of Support
Section 504
Special Education
Overview of Special Education for Parents
Visión general de la educación especial para padresSpecial Education Updates: Who Can Request A Referral
Special Education Updates: Who Can Request A Referral - Spanish
Texas Transition and Employment
La guia de transicion y empleo de Texas
Compensatory Services
Evaluaciones Restrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios
Child Find: Identify, Locate, Evaluate
Child Find: Identificar, Localizar, Evaluar
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Aviso Sobre Procedimientos de Proteccion
Notice Procedural Safeguards (Audio Version)
Aviso Sobre Procedimientos de Proteccion (Versión de audio)
Parent's Guide to the ARD Process
Guia Para Padres
Dyslexia Resources
Fact Sheet: Dyslexia
Dislexia: Hoja de datos para las familias
Dyslexia Handbook
Actualización del manual de dislexia 2021: Cambios Improtantes Que Las Familias Entender
Dyslexia and Related Disorders - F&Q Document
Dislexia y los trastornos relacionados preguntas y respuestasDyslexia and Related Disorders: Information for Parents
Dislexia y trastornos relacionados: información para padres
Texas State Library: Talking Book ProgramLearning Ally (Talk Book Program) Students can login using their Clever Badge or Clever Username/Password)
Dyslexia information for Parents
Saludos Del Progrma De Libros Que Hablan
General Parent Information
Speech Therapy
Coping/Behavior Support
Occupational Therapy/Handwriting
Robyna Anderson, Special Education/Section 504 Coordinator
Jamie Mitchell, Dyslexia Specialist
Stanton is a member of 87-20 Special Education SSA